• Children in Vakhsh region in Tajikistan receiving their first dose of oral polio vaccine. Over 1.2 million children have received 2 drops of oral polio vaccine (OPV) in Tajikistan in on a week from 31 May to 4 June, in the first round of a campaign to stop circulation of vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) detected in the country.Children in Vakhsh region in Tajikistan receiving their first dose of oral polio vaccine. Over 1.2 million children have received 2 drops of oral polio vaccine (OPV) in Tajikistan in on a week from 31 May to 4 June, in the first round of a campaign to stop circulation of vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) detected in the country.


  • Wet country road, running through woodland.Wet country road, running through woodland.

    Climate change

  • Rehabilitation centre, Tajikistan.

Evidence suggests that one of the central reasons behind the unmet need for rehabilitation in the WHO European Region is the lack of a qualified rehabilitation workforce – physiotherapists, occupational therapists, prosthetists and orthotists, and speech and language therapists, among others.\nThe Region is below the global average when it comes to the number of health professionals who deliver rehabilitation services. The shortage is particularly acute in the Region’s 21 middle-income countries, where in 2016 there were 12 times fewer physiotherapists than in its 32 high-income countries.

Les faits indiquent que l’une des principales raisons à l’origine des besoins de réadaptation insatisfaits dans la Région européenne de l’OMS est le manque de personnel qualifié dans ce domaine, notamment de kinésithérapeutes, d’ergothérapeutes, de prothésistes et d’orthésistes, ainsi que d’orthophonistes. En ce qui concerne le nombre de professionnels de la santé dispensant des services de réadaptation, la Région se situe en-deçà de la moyenne mondiale. Cette pénurie est particulièrement aigüe dans les 21 pays à revenu moyen de la Région qui, en 2016, comptaient 12 fois moins de kinésithérapeutes que les 32 pays à haut revenu.

Es gibt Indizien dafür, dass einer der Hauptgründe für die ungedeckte Nachfrage nach Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen in der Europäischen Region der WHO der Mangel an Reha-Fachkräften ist – dazu gehören u. a. Physiotherapeuten, Ergotherapeuten, Prothetiker, Orthetiker und Logopäden.\nDie Europäische Region liegt in Bezug auf die Zahl der Gesundheitsfachkräfte, die Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen anbieten, unter dem weltweiten Durchschnitt. Besonders ausgeprägt ist dieser Mangel in den 21 Ländern der Region mit mittlerem Volkseinkommen, wo es 2016 nur ein Zwölftel so viele Physiotherapeuten gab als in ihren 32 Ländern mit hohem Volkseinkommen.

Имеющиеся данные говорят о том, что одна из главных причин неудовлетворенных потребностей в реабилитации в Европейском регионе ВОЗ – это нехватка квалифицированных специалистов-реабилитологов, например физиотерапевтов, эрготерапевтов, протезистов, техников-ортопедов, логопедов и т.д.\nЧисленность медицинских специалистов, предоставляющих услуги реабилитации в Регионе, ниже среднего глобального показателя. Проблема нехватки этих специалистов особенно остро ощущается в 21 стране со средним уровнем дохода в Регионе: в 2016 г. в этих странах было в 12 раз меньше физиотерапевтов, чем в 32 странах с высоким уровнем дохода.Rehabilitation centre, Tajikistan.

Evidence suggests that one of the central reasons behind the unmet need for rehabilitation in the WHO European Region is the lack of a qualified rehabilitation workforce – physiotherapists, occupational therapists, prosthetists and orthotists, and speech and language therapists, among others.\nThe Region is below the global average when it comes to the number of health professionals who deliver rehabilitation services. The shortage is particularly acute in the Region’s 21 middle-income countries, where in 2016 there were 12 times fewer physiotherapists than in its 32 high-income countries.

Les faits indiquent que l’une des principales raisons à l’origine des besoins de réadaptation insatisfaits dans la Région européenne de l’OMS est le manque de personnel qualifié dans ce domaine, notamment de kinésithérapeutes, d’ergothérapeutes, de prothésistes et d’orthésistes, ainsi que d’orthophonistes. En ce qui concerne le nombre de professionnels de la santé dispensant des services de réadaptation, la Région se situe en-deçà de la moyenne mondiale. Cette pénurie est particulièrement aigüe dans les 21 pays à revenu moyen de la Région qui, en 2016, comptaient 12 fois moins de kinésithérapeutes que les 32 pays à haut revenu.

Es gibt Indizien dafür, dass einer der Hauptgründe für die ungedeckte Nachfrage nach Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen in der Europäischen Region der WHO der Mangel an Reha-Fachkräften ist – dazu gehören u. a. Physiotherapeuten, Ergotherapeuten, Prothetiker, Orthetiker und Logopäden.\nDie Europäische Region liegt in Bezug auf die Zahl der Gesundheitsfachkräfte, die Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen anbieten, unter dem weltweiten Durchschnitt. Besonders ausgeprägt ist dieser Mangel in den 21 Ländern der Region mit mittlerem Volkseinkommen, wo es 2016 nur ein Zwölftel so viele Physiotherapeuten gab als in ihren 32 Ländern mit hohem Volkseinkommen.

Имеющиеся данные говорят о том, что одна из главных причин неудовлетворенных потребностей в реабилитации в Европейском регионе ВОЗ – это нехватка квалифицированных специалистов-реабилитологов, например физиотерапевтов, эрготерапевтов, протезистов, техников-ортопедов, логопедов и т.д.\nЧисленность медицинских специалистов, предоставляющих услуги реабилитации в Регионе, ниже среднего глобального показателя. Проблема нехватки этих специалистов особенно остро ощущается в 21 стране со средним уровнем дохода в Регионе: в 2016 г. в этих странах было в 12 раз меньше физиотерапевтов, чем в 32 странах с высоким уровнем дохода.

    Health workers

  • The overwhelming majority of Ukrainian refugees are women and children. The arriving refugees require specific healthcare, such as treatment for chronic conditions, psychological support and maternal and child health. The Rzeszow main train station has been converted into a reception centre for refugees, with entire families including elderly women, new mothers and their babies availing of crucial health services, including psychosocial health support. Amid their misery, many refugees made the time to share stories with our team and express their appreciation for the warmth with which Polish authorities and civilians alike have received them and created support systems with record speed.The overwhelming majority of Ukrainian refugees are women and children. The arriving refugees require specific healthcare, such as treatment for chronic conditions, psychological support and maternal and child health. The Rzeszow main train station has been converted into a reception centre for refugees, with entire families including elderly women, new mothers and their babies availing of crucial health services, including psychosocial health support. Amid their misery, many refugees made the time to share stories with our team and express their appreciation for the warmth with which Polish authorities and civilians alike have received them and created support systems with record speed.

    Ukraine: Emergency response

  • Member of a WHO mission dressing in personal protection equipment before entering the COVID-19 ward in Minsk City Hospital #4 in Belarus. 

WHO experts travelled to Belarus the week of 6 April 2020 to support the ministry in preparing the country for COVID-19 response.

They visited healthcare facilities, public health centres, laboratories, and emergency centres at the national, regional, and city levels to understand the transmission patterns of the virus and recommend actions to control the outbreak.Member of a WHO mission dressing in personal protection equipment before entering the COVID-19 ward in Minsk City Hospital #4 in Belarus. 

WHO experts travelled to Belarus the week of 6 April 2020 to support the ministry in preparing the country for COVID-19 response.

They visited healthcare facilities, public health centres, laboratories, and emergency centres at the national, regional, and city levels to understand the transmission patterns of the virus and recommend actions to control the outbreak.
