In a catastrophic fire that broke out on 8 September 2020, the Moria reception and identification centre for asylum seekers and refugees on Lesvos, Greece, was burned to the ground. As part of its extensive coordination efforts, WHO briefed a representative from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. As part of its extensive coordination efforts, WHO briefed a representative from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Dans le cadre de ses vastes efforts de coordination, l’OMS a informé un représentant de la Direction suisse du développement et de la coopération. Im Rahmen ihrer umfassenden Koordinierungsbemühungen unterrichteten Mitarbeiter der WHO einen Vertreter der Schweizer Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit. В рамках своей обширной координационной работы ВОЗ проинструктировала представителя Швейцарского агентства развития и сотрудничества.
PPEs and medical devices being delivered to the Ministry of Health in the Republic of Moldova.
Emergency Medical Team (EMT) from Poland operates in the hospitals of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO), Tajikistan. Read more on the
Emergency Medical Team (EMT) from Poland operates at the regional hospital in Khorog, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO), Tajikistan. Read more on the
Health worker getting her blood pressure measured. The main hospital of the country specializing in communicable diseases, the Toma Ciorba Infectious Diseases Hospital, was designated as the first COVID-19 treatment strategic healthcare facility in the Republic of Moldova.
The hospital was designated as a strategic healthcare facility for COVID-19 treatment of children. The health workers play a critical role in providing health services to dozens of children and their families. WHO conducted a series of trainings for pediatricians in the application of inpatient oxygen therapy, chronic lung disease and asthma, management of long-term cough and fever, etc. Health worker in full PPE with infant at Emilian Cotaga Children Hospital Moldova.
The hospital was designated as a strategic healthcare facility for COVID-19 treatment of children. The health workers play a critical role in providing health services to dozens of children and their families. WHO conducted a series of trainings for pediatricians in the application of inpatient oxygen therapy, chronic lung disease and asthma, management of long-term cough and fever, etc. Child patient at Emilian Cotaga Children Hospital Moldova.
An Emergency Medical Team (EMT) from Poland conducted a mission to Bishkek to support the COVID-19 emergency response in Kyrgyzstan. The team shared insights learned from treating COVID-19 patients in Lombardy, Italy and provided support to the Republican Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital in Bishkek as well as hospitals in Osh and Jalal-Abad. On completion of the mission, the team held a debriefing with high-level representatives, including the deputy prime minister and the deputy head of the President’s office. - A team of medics from Poland went to Kyrgyzstan to share their experience from virus-hit Italy and transfer knowledge and skills to their peers. This support was part of the Emergency Medical Team initiative coordinated by WHO and was organized as a fast track to improving the care of COVID-19 patients in Kyrgyzstan. The polish medics’ experience from virus-hit Italy enabled a valuable transfer of knowledge and skills and a fast track to improving the care of patients battling with COVID-19 in Kyrgyzstan. Team leader, Dr Michał M., emphasized the practical hands-on nature of their task to advise and support health-care workers in Kyrgyzstan. “The doctors we met always appreciated the fact that we went with them to see patients and stand at their bedsides. It was important for them to see us working side by side and not just making theoretical statements. This way they knew they could trust our medical background.” On-the-job training in the capital and beyond During the 10-day support trip, the 8-person EMT visited infectious disease services in the capital, Bishkek, as well as travelling to 6 hospitals in the southern regions of Osh and Jalal-Abad. The Polish clinicians included 3 anaesthesiologists, 3 paramedics, a general practitioner and an intensive care nurse. Marina D. was one of the health workers who appreciated their advice on how best to support patients with severe coronavirus symptoms. “When the Polish medical workers came to our hospital we worked practically around the clock. They showed us how to reorganize the hospital to increase the number of beds, and how to put on and correctly use personal protective equipment. I felt inspired by their calm manner and professional approach.” Dr Michał M. pointed out that his team included 2 interpreters, provided by WHO Kyrgyzstan, who both had medical backgrounds, making it much easier to discuss key technical concepts. Nevertheless, he stressed that being able to deliver on-the-job training was crucial, highlighting the need to demonstrate some techniques in person. “It is a very different thing to listen to someone talking than to have a go at doing something yourself,” he observed. “It’s not enough to hear about how to set up a ventilator – they need to be able to stand at a patient’s bedside and set one up.” The Polish doctors noted the high level of competence of Kyrgyz health specialists in terms of administrative and practical measures taken to protect health-care workers. The team recommended continuing to follow basic preventative measures, ensuring proper airflow in patients’ rooms, following hygiene requirements and practicing social distancing. On completion of the trip, the team held a debriefing with high-level government representatives, including the deputy prime minister and the deputy head of the President’s office. “This exercise serves as a good example of international coordination between WHO, the medical workforce and Kyrgyz national authorities. It also demonstrates that we must work together, united on all fronts and assist national authorities, as this is a global crisis requiring a global, coordinated response that has a positive impact at the country level,” highlighted Dr Nazira Artykova, WHO Representative in Kyrgyzstan. Supporting Kyrgyzstan’s COVID-19 response The WHO Country Office in Kyrgyzstan coordinated the field visit with the government, including the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It follows previous successful training sessions which took place earlier in the year to help the country develop a contingency plan in preparation for a COVID-19 outbreak. Kyrgyzstan, alongside 16 other countries in the WHO European Region, received 1300 laboratory testing kits over 3 months from WHO/Europe. The country also received personal protective equipment for frontline health-care workers, as well as for laboratory staff testing swabs from patients with suspected COVID-19. More than 310 health-care workers completed online training courses in the clinical management of patients with COVID-19. Overall, the COVID-19 response in Kyrgyzstan was found to be well organized and orchestrated largely in line with WHO guidelines. These have been further strengthened by the presence of a medical team on the ground able to share best practices between Poland, Italy and Kyrgyzstan. Emergency Medical Teams The WHO European Region has 14 WHO-certified EMTs ready to deliver rapid health care when disaster strikes or an outbreak flares. EMTs are an important part of the global health workforce. Any doctor, nurse or paramedic team coming from another country to practice health care in an emergency needs to arrive as part of a team. That team must be qualified, trained and bring equipment and supplies to deliver an effective response rather than imposing a burden on the national system.
Member of a WHO mission dressing in personal protection equipment before entering the COVID-19 ward in Minsk City Hospital #4 in Belarus. WHO experts travelled to Belarus the week of 6 April 2020 to support the ministry in preparing the country for COVID-19 response. They visited healthcare facilities, public health centres, laboratories, and emergency centres at the national, regional, and city levels to understand the transmission patterns of the virus and recommend actions to control the outbreak.
Group of health professionals in personal protective equipment in a hospital environment.
Newborn triplets. National Center for Maternal and Child Welfare in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. “I was inspired to pursue a career in midwifery after assisting in a birth. One of the aspects I enjoy most about being a midwife is that my work is very diverse and requires using a range of skills to face the different situations that occur daily. Just recently, for example, a mother gave birth to triplets!” « J’ai été encouragée à embrasser la profession de sage-femme après avoir assisté une naissance. L’un des aspects que j’apprécie le plus dans le métier de sage-femme est que mon travail est très varié et requiert d’utiliser toute une palette de compétences pour pouvoir affronter les différentes situations qui se produisent tous les jours. Tout récemment, par exemple, une mère a donné naissance à des triplés ! » „Auf die Idee, den Hebammenberuf zu ergreifen, kam ich, nachdem ich bei einer Geburt assistiert hatte. Besonders mag ich an meiner Arbeit, dass sie sehr vielfältig ist und ein breites Spektrum von Fähigkeiten erfordert, um die Vielzahl der sich täglich ergebenden Situationen zu bewältigen. Gerade vor kurzem zum Beispiel hat eine Frau Drillinge bekommen!“ "Я решила стать акушеркой после того, как однажды мне пришлось помогать при родах. Я люблю свою работу за ее разнообразие – каждый день у нас возникают самые разные ситуации, в которых мне необходимо применять самые разные знания и навыки. Например, недавно одна мама родила тройню!" Please use these photos exclusively for 'Maternal Health' and 'Child Health' purposes. For any other use, please contact for permission.
A new model of maternal, antenatal and postnatal care is being implemented in 17 primary health-care centres of excellence around the country, which were launched in 2018 and 2019. One of these centres of excellence is located in the town of Esik, in the Enbekshikazakh Region near Almaty. Nurse with patients - child and mother
A new model of maternal, antenatal and postnatal care is being implemented in 17 primary health-care centres of excellence around the country, which were launched in 2018 and 2019. One of these centres of excellence is located in the town of Esik, in the Enbekshikazakh Region near Almaty. “I advise mothers on following a healthy diet, explain breastfeeding, tell them when it’s time for vaccinations. We, community nurses, follow pregnant women, newborns and children until the age of 5,” says Akmaral, a nurse working in Esik. « Je conseille aux mères d’adopter une alimentation saine, je leur explique l’allaitement, je leur dis quand il est temps de vacciner. Nous, le personnel infirmier communautaire, suivons les femmes enceintes, les nouveau-nés et les enfants jusqu’à l’âge de 5 ans », explique Akmaral, une infirmière travaillant à Esik. „Ich rate Müttern zu einer gesunden Ernährung, erkläre das Stillen und sage ihnen, wann es Zeit für einen Urlaub ist. Wir Gemeindeschwestern begleiten Schwangere, Neugeborene und Kinder bis 5 Jahre“, sagt Akmaral, eine in Esik tätige Pflegekraft. \n\n "Я консультирую матерей по вопросам соблюдения здоровой диеты и грудного вскармливания, а также сообщаю им, когда ребенку нужно сделать прививку. Мы, участковые медсестры, ведем беременных женщин, новорожденных, а также детей в возрасте до пяти лет", – говорит Акмарал, медсестра из центра в Есике.
A new model of maternal, antenatal and postnatal care is being implemented in 17 primary health-care centres of excellence around the country, which were launched in 2018 and 2019. One of these centres of excellence is located in the town of Esik, in the Enbekshikazakh Region near Almaty. A social worker talking to a couple in the primary health care facility. Social workers also provide advice to families at the primary health-care facility. Here the social worker is talking to a family about the allowances they can receive from the government as parents with many children. Les assistants sociaux délivrent également des conseils aux familles dans les établissements de soins de santé primaires. Dans le cas présent, l’assistante sociale met une famille au courant des allocations qu’elle peut recevoir de l’État en sa qualité de famille nombreuse. Darüber hinaus beraten die Sozialarbeiter die Familien in der Einrichtung für die primäre Gesundheitsversorgung. In diesem Bild spricht die Sozialarbeiterin mit einer Familie über die staatlichen Beihilfen, die sie als kinderreiche Eltern erhalten können. Социальные работники также консультируют семьи на базе центра первичной медико-санитарной помощи. На фото социальный работник информирует одну из семей о том, какие пособия они могут получить от государства как многодетные родители.
Woman at a microscope in a clinic in Uzbekistan.
Children's routine immunizations in a clinic in Uzbekistan. Nurse holding a baby.
Children's routine immunizations in a clinic in Uzbekistan. Nurse holding a baby girl.
Nurse administering a vaccine while a mother holds her baby.
Children's routine immunizations in a clinic in Uzbekistan. Mothers holding their babies.
Over 30 general and trauma surgeons, anesthesiologists, and emergency health care professionals learned and practiced new skills in the management of patients with trauma at the Advanced Trauma Care Training (ATCT) held in Mariupol, Donetsk region on 24-26 June 2019. Building trauma care capacities among the health care specialists in eastern Ukraine is one of the priorities for the WHO Health Emergencies Programme in Ukraine. From 2018–2019, more than 150 trauma care specialists, surgeons, emergency doctors and anesthesiologists working in the conflict affected areas on both sides of the contact line in eastern Ukraine completed the Advanced Trauma Care Training.
Over 30 general and trauma surgeons, anesthesiologists, and emergency health care professionals learned and practiced new skills in the management of patients with trauma at the Advanced Trauma Care Training (ATCT) held in Mariupol, Donetsk region on 24-26 June 2019. Endotracheal intubation is a new skill for trauma surgeon Dr Sergiy Rusanov. “Usually, intubation is performed by an anaesthesiologist. However, today at the training I tried it on a manikin. All the tips on teamwork and the ABCDE protocol are very valuable when you are the first person to examine a trauma patient brought by an ambulance. I have learned a lot!” he says. “In Mariupol, specialized hospitals serve as emergency units and provide urgent medical assistance to patients with trauma,” adds Sergiy.
Over 30 general and trauma surgeons, anesthesiologists, and emergency health care professionals learned and practiced new skills in the management of patients with trauma at the Advanced Trauma Care Training (ATCT) held in Mariupol, Donetsk region on 24-26 June 2019. The standardized ABCDE (Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure) approach to treating patients with injuries saves precious time.
Young female family doctor talks with a male patient in her office in in her rural community. “Some patients, particularly the older people, ask for a short visit just to see and hear me; they say that it helps them to get things off their chest. My patients also energize me and keep me smiling,” the doctor says. « Certains patients, en particulier les personnes âgées, demandent une courte visite juste pour me voir et m’entendre ; ils disent que cela les aide de déballer ce qu’ils ont sur le cœur. Mes patients me donnent aussi de l’énergie et me gardent de bonne humeur », se réjouit la doctoresse. „Manche Patienten, vor allem die älteren, wollen nur einen kurzen Termin, um mich zu sehen und mit mir zu sprechen. Sie sagen, da können sie ihre Sorgen loswerden. Umgekehrt geben meine Patienten mir auch viel Energie und Freude.“ «Некоторые пациенты, особенно пожилые, просят о коротком приеме – просто повидать меня и поговорить со мной. Говорят, им нужно облегчить душу. Я тоже заряжаюсь энергией от своих пациентов и чаще улыбаюсь благодаря им», – говорит доктор.
Young female family doctor examining a female patient in her office in her rural community. “I examine my patients carefully, and don’t just offer them quick consultations,” says Elena, who sees around 40 patients daily. She admits she could use a helping hand; however, health-care professionals are not always willing to work in rural areas. « J’examine mes patients consciencieusement, et pas seulement entre deux portes », explique Elena, qui voit environ 40 patients par jour. Elle admet qu’elle serait heureuse d’avoir un coup de main, mais les professionnels de santé ne sont pas toujours disposés à travailler dans les régions rurales. „Ich untersuche meine Patienten sorgfältig und fertige sie nicht schnell ab“, sagt Elena, die etwa 40 Termine am Tag hat. Sie räumt ein, dass sie eine Hilfskraft brauchen könnte, aber viele Gesundheitsfachkräfte sind nicht bereit, in ländlichen Gebieten zu arbeiten. «Я очень тщательно провожу осмотр пациентов, не ограничиваюсь короткими консультациями», – рассказывает Елена, ежедневно принимающая около 40 пациентов. Она соглашается, что помощник ей бы не помешал, однако далеко не все медицинские работники готовы работать в сельских районах.
Young female family doctor examining a pregnant woman in her office located in a rural community. Ecaterina Locoman, who is expecting her first child, says the doctor helps her have more confidence in managing her pregnancy symptoms. “We also talk on the phone when I need it. She is very responsive. I feel that my baby girl is safe with such a doctor beside us,” she says. Ecaterina Locoman, qui attend son premier enfant, déclare que la doctoresse l’aide à avoir plus confiance en elle pour gérer les symptômes apparus durant sa grossesse. « On se parle aussi au téléphone quand j’en ai besoin. Elle réagit très rapidement. Je sens que ma petite fille est en sécurité avec un tel médecin à nos côtés », dit-elle. Ecaterina Locoman, die ihr erstes Kind erwartet, sagt, die Ärztin gebe ihr mehr Selbstvertrauen beim Umgang mit den Symptomen ihrer Schwangerschaft. „Wenn nötig, telefonieren wir auch. Sie ist sehr flexibel. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass mein Baby bei dieser Ärztin in guten Händen ist.“ Екатерина Локоман, беременная первым ребенком, говорит, что доктор ведет ее беременность и помогает ей почувствовать себя увереннее. «Мы иногда беседуем по телефону, если мне это нужно. Она очень ответственный человек. С таким доктором моя малышка в безопасности, я уверена в этом», – говорит Екатерина.
Staff in surgical masks in a TB treatment center in Moscow, operating medical or diagnostic equipment.
Staff in surgical masks at a TB treatment ward in Moscow, manipulating/examining samples, with sample bottles/pipette.
Patient lying down, undergoing a CT scan at a TB treatment ward in Moscow - two members of staff in surgical masks working the scanner.
WHO field office in Gaziantep trained over 200 doctors, nurses and first responders from north-west Syria for mass casualty incidents, including chemical events. Three people in full hazmat suits, walking past an outside building on quite rough ground.
WHO field office in Gaziantep trained over 200 doctors, nurses and first responders from north-west Syria for mass casualty incidents, including chemical events. WHO worker, shown at an outdoor training session, with others in the background.
WHO field office in Gaziantep trained over 200 doctors, nurses and first responders from north-west Syria for mass casualty incidents, including chemical events. WHO trainer, showing emergency kit to a group of people in full hazmat gear, standing outside on the grass.
WHO field office in Gaziantep trained over 200 doctors, nurses and first responders from north-west Syria for mass casualty incidents, including chemical events. Row of several men donning hazmat suits, pictured outside.
WHO field office in Gaziantep trained over 200 doctors, nurses and first responders from north-west Syria for mass casualty incidents, including chemical events. Close-up of a person in a hazmat mask and suit.
Young socioeconomically challenged mother at home with child.
Young socioeconomically challenged mother (with a cough) visiting her family doctor.
Family doctor Cristina Barbu checking the ears of a boy, who is waiting to be vaccinated.
Little boy waiting to be vaccinated at the doctor's. Mother with baby standing by.
WHO consultant Andreea Popescu using the consent form app with the physiotherapist at the Center for Neuropsychiatric Recovery And Rehabilitation Techirghiol.
Two patients working out at the the gym, with physiotherapist at the Patient at the Center for Neuropsychiatric Recovery And Rehabilitation, Techirghiol.
Young man living at the Center for Neuropsychiatric Recovery And Rehabilitation Techirghiol in the bedroom he shares with another man.
Mother with two children waiting outside doctor's clinic.
A pulmonologist, a heart surgeon and a recovery specialist from the Research Centre of Paediatrics and Child Surgery in Almaty consult their colleagues from a state clinic in the Aktau region in West Kazakhstan about a young patient in intensive care via a telemedicine session. -- Timely diagnosis and treatment through telemedicine allow health professionals in Kazakhstan to arrange emergency medical services to patients promptly, reduce the costs associated with travel for care, and reduce the complexity of accompanying patients with multiple health conditions to regional or state clinics. The patient in question had infectious pneumonia and also a form of heart disease. Specialists from the Centre adjusted the treatment plan, agreed on medications and planned a follow-up appointment the next day. The Centre has used telemedicine on a daily basis since 2012. Irina Vyatkina, Technical Specialist of the Telemedicine Unit, says that initially they expected up to 5 teleconsultations per month – but demand has grown fast. “I cannot imagine our work without telemedicine now. It has proven to be effective and timely,” she says. In 2016, specialists from the Centre provided telemedicine sessions for 123 children. By 2018, that number had grown to 320 children across Kazakhstan. Each week, the Centre organizes remote lectures on current topics for primary health-care practitioners, specialists from regional clinics and clinics in rural areas. -- La télémédecine permet un diagnostic et un traitement rapides, et les professionnels de santé du Kazakhstan peuvent ainsi organiser sans attendre des services médicaux d’urgence pour les patients. Une telle pratique permet de réduire les coûts associés aux déplacements pour les soins ainsi que les difficultés liées à l’accompagnement des patients souffrant de multiples problèmes de santé vers les cliniques régionales ou d’État. Une pneumologue, un chirurgien-cardiologue et un spécialiste du rétablissement du Centre de recherche en pédiatrie et chirurgie infantile d’Almaty consultent leurs collègues d’une clinique d’État de la région d’Aktau, dans l’ouest du Kazakhstan, au sujet d’un jeune patient en soins intensifs. Le patient en question souffrait d’une pneumonie infectieuse et d’une forme de maladie cardiaque. Les spécialistes du centre ont adapté le plan thérapeutique, se sont mis d’accord sur le traitement médicamenteux, et ont planifié une consultation de suivi le lendemain. Le centre a recours quotidiennement à la télémédecine depuis 2012. Irina Vyatkina, spécialiste technique de l’Unité de télémédecine, indique qu’ils s’attendaient dans un premier temps à effectuer 5 téléconsultations par mois, mais la demande a augmenté rapidement. « Je ne peux plus imaginer notre travail sans la télémédecine. C’est une technique à la fois rapide et efficace », explique-t-elle. En 2016, les spécialistes du centre ont dispensé des séances de télémédecine à 123 enfants. En 2018, ce nombre est passé à 320 enfants sur l’ensemble du territoire du Kazakhstan. Chaque semaine, le centre organise des conférences à distance sur des sujets d’actualité à l’intention de praticiens des soins de santé primaires, ainsi que de spécialistes de cliniques régionales et rurales. -- Eine frühzeitige Diagnose und Behandlung mittels Telemedizin ermöglicht es Gesundheitsfachkräften in Kasachstan, umgehend die medizinische Notfallversorgung von Patienten einzuleiten, die für die Anreise zur Behandlung anfallenden Kosten zu senken und die Komplexität der Begleitung von Patienten mit Mehrfacherkrankungen zu regionalen und städtischen Krankenhäusern zu verringern. Eine Pulmonologin, ein Herzchirurg und ein Rehabilitologe aus dem Forschungszentrum für Pädiatrie und Kinderchirurgie in Almaty erkundigen sich bei ihren Kollegen aus einem städtischen Krankenhaus in der Region Aktau in Westkasachstan nach einem jungen Patienten auf der Intensivstation. Dieser litt unter infektiöser Lungenentzündung und einer Art von Herzkrankheit. Die Fachärzte aus dem Zentrum passten den Behandlungsplan an und vereinbarten einen Medikationsplan und einen Folgetermin für den nächsten Tag. Das Zentrum arbeitet seit 2012 täglich mit Telemedizin. Irina Vyatkina, Technische Fachkraft in der Abteilung Telemedizin, erklärt, ursprünglich sei man von höchstens fünf Fernkonsultationen pro Monat ausgegangen, doch dann sei die Nachfrage rapide gestiegen. „Heute kann ich mir unsere Arbeit ohne Telemedizin gar nicht mehr vorstellen. Sie hat sich als sehr wirksam und zeitsparend erwiesen.“ 2016 absolvierten die Fachärzte aus dem Zentrum Telemedizin-Termine mit 123 Kindern. 2018 war diese Zahl landesweit auf 320 Kinder angestiegen. Jede Woche organisiert das Zentrum Fernvorlesungen zu aktuellen Themen für Ärzte in der primären Gesundheitsversorgung und für Fachärzte aus Regionalkrankenhäusern und Kliniken in ländlichen Gebieten. -- Благодаря своевременной диагностике и лечению с использованием телемедицины работники здравоохранения в Казахстане могут оперативно предоставлять пациентам услуги неотложной медицинской помощи, минимизировать затраты, связанные с поездками, а также избегать, по мере возможности, сложной процедуры сопровождения пациентов с множественными нарушениями здоровья в областные или государственные городские больницы. Пульмонолог, кардиохирург и врач-реабилитолог из Научного центра педиатрии и детской хирургии в Алматы консультируют коллег из государственной городской больницы в г. Актау (Западный Казахстан) по поводу оказания помощи маленькому пациенту с инфекционной пневмонией и заболеванием сердца, госпитализированному в отделение интенсивной терапии. Специалисты Центра скорректировали план лечения, согласовали медикаментозную терапию и договорились о проведении повторной консультации на следующий день. Центр регулярно использует телемедицину с 2012 г. По словам Ирины Вяткиной, технического специалиста отделения телемедицины, первоначально предполагалось, что отделение будет проводить не более пяти телеконсультаций в месяц. Однако потребность в таких консультациях стала быстро расти. "Сейчас я уже не могу представить себе нашу работу без телемедицины, которая зарекомендовала себя как эффективный и оперативный метод". В 2016 г. специалисты Центра провели консультации с использованием телемедицины для 123 детей-пациентов, а к 2018 г. Центр уже провел телеконсультации для 320 пациентов со всей страны. Каждую неделю Центр проводит дистанционные лекции по актуальным темам для работников первичного звена медико-санитарной помощи и специалистов областных больниц и сельских клиник.
Students at Kazakh National Medical University in Almaty training in telemedicine. Kazakhstan’s telemedicine network not only provides clinical support – specialists in medical universities, scientific research institutes and national centres also use the network to provide lectures and seminars on diseases for training health workers in regional and district hospitals. Le réseau de télémédecine du Kazakhstan n’apporte pas seulement un soutien clinique : les spécialistes d’universités de médecine, d’instituts de recherche scientifique et de centres nationaux utilisent également le réseau pour mettre sur pied des conférences et des séminaires sur les maladies afin de former les agents de santé des hôpitaux régionaux et de district. Das Netzwerk für Telemedizin in Kasachstan leistet nicht nur klinische Unterstützungsarbeit; vielmehr wird es von Fachärzten an medizinischen Fakultäten, wissenschaftlichen Forschungsinstituten und nationalen Zentren auch bei der Erstellung von Vorlesungen und Seminaren über bestimmte Krankheiten zur Ausbildung von Gesundheitspersonal an Regional- und Bezirkskrankenhäusern herangezogen. Сеть телемедицины в Казахстане нужна не только для поддержки клинических специалистов – с ее помощью специалисты из медицинских университетов, научно-исследовательских институтов и национальных центров также проводят лекции и семинары по различным заболеваниям, обучая работников областных и районных больниц.
Tleuberdy Kuandykov is Head of the Intensive Care Unit at the Syzganov National Scientific Centre of Surgery in Almaty. In addition to performing surgeries, the Centre provides teleconsultations and follow-up sessions to colleagues from across the country. It also broadcasts surgical procedures to students for educational purposes. Kuandykov remembers, “In the 1990s, when I worked in the district clinic in Turkestan in southern Kazakhstan, if I needed my supervisor’s or other experienced colleague’s advice, I would send a hospital car to the regional clinic and hoped that they would come to see my patient. Now we can contact any specialist in Kazakhstan any time – and save more lives.” -- Tleuberdy Kuandykov est chef de l’unité de soins intensifs du Centre national scientifique de chirurgie Syzganov à Almaty. Outre des opérations chirurgicales, le centre organise des téléconsultations et des séances de suivi pour les collègues de toutes les régions du pays. Il diffuse également des interventions chirurgicales à des fins pédagogiques pour les étudiants. Kuandykov se souvient : « dans les années 1990, lorsque je travaillais à la clinique de district du Turkestan, dans le sud du Kazakhstan, si j’avais besoin des conseils de mon superviseur ou d’un autre collègue expérimenté, j’envoyais une voiture de l’hôpital à la clinique régionale en espérant qu’ils viendraient consulter mon patient. Maintenant, nous pouvons contacter n’importe quel spécialiste au Kazakhstan à tout moment, et sauver davantage de vies. » -- Tleuberdy Kuandykov ist Leiter der Intensivstation am Nationalen Wissenschaftszentrum Syzganov für Chirurgie in Almaty. Neben der Durchführung von Operationen bietet das Zentrum auch Fernkonsultationen und Folgetermine für Fachkollegen aus allen Landesteilen an. Außerdem veröffentlicht es zu Ausbildungszwecken chirurgische Verfahren für Studenten. Kuandykov erinnert sich: „In den 1990er Jahren, als ich im Bezirkskrankenhaus in Turkestan im Süden des Landes tätig war, musste ich, wenn ich den Rat eines Vorgesetzten oder anderen erfahrenen Kollegen einholen wollte, einen Dienstwagen des Krankenhauses zum Regionalkrankenhaus schicken – in der Hoffnung, dass er meinen Patienten aufsuchen würde. Heute können wir uns jederzeit an jeden Facharzt im Land wenden und so mehr Menschenleben retten.“ -- Тлеуберди Куандыков – заведующий отделением анестезиологии и реанимации Национального научного центра хирургии им. А.К. Сызганова в Алматы. Сотрудники центра не только выполняют операции, но и проводят телеконсультации с коллегами по всей стране. Также центр проводит трансляции хирургических операций для студентов-медиков. "В 90-х годах я работал в районной больнице в Туркестане (Южно-Казахстанская область). Если мне было нужно проконсультироваться с руководителем или просто с более опытными коллегами, я отправлял машину в областную больницу, надеясь, что они смогут приехать и взглянуть на моего пациента. Теперь мы можем в любой момент связаться с любым специалистом в стране, и это позволяет нам спасать еще больше жизней", – вспоминает д-р Куандыков.
Young migrant girl resting on the shoulder of her mother.
A community nurse sits with an elderly patient and provides support. The nurses are an integral part of Cristești Village. “Our role is to support people in need, to refer them to the family doctor, to help them control existing diseases and prevent others. We are working at the grassroots,” says Cristina. Les infirmières sont membres à part entière du village de Cristești. « Notre rôle est de soutenir les personnes dans le besoin, de les adresser au médecin de famille, et de les aider à contrôler les maladies existantes et à prévenir les autres. Nous travaillons au cœur de la population » dit Cristina. Die Schwestern sind ein fester Bestandteil des Lebens im Dorf Cristești. „Unsere Rolle besteht darin, die Hilfsbedürftigen zu unterstützen, sie an den Hausarzt zu überweisen, ihre bereits bestehenden Erkrankungen zu überwachen und weitere Erkrankungen zu verhindern. Wir arbeiten direkt an der Basis“, sagt Cristina. Медсестры играют важную роль в жизни села Кристешти. "Наша задача – помогать людям, направлять их к семейным врачам, чтобы лучше контролировать существующие заболевания и не допускать развития новых. Мы работам с людьми", – говорит Cristina.
A community nurse examines a newborn baby. Little Mariu-Constantin was born 5 weeks ago weighing only 2.6 kg. Ionela and Cristina examine and weigh the baby and are happy to tell the mother, Elena Prodan, that Mariu-Constantin is making good progress, as he has gained 1 kg. The community nurses also advise Elena on good breastfeeding practices and how to make her own diet healthier. Lorsqu’il est né, voici 5 semaines, le petit Mariu-Constantin ne pesait que 2,6 kg. Ionela et Cristina examinent et pèsent le bébé et sont heureuses de dire à sa mère, Elena Prodan, que Mariu-Constantin fait des progrès, car il a pris 1 kg. Les infirmières de proximité conseillent également Elena sur les bonnes pratiques d’allaitement et sur la façon d’améliorer sa propre alimentation. Der kleine Mariu-Constantin wurde erst vor 5 Wochen geboren und wog bei seiner Geburt nur 2,6 kg. Ionela und Cristina untersuchen und wiegen das Baby und freuen sich, seiner Mutter, Elena Prodan, mitteilen zu können, dass Mariu-Constantin sich gut entwickelt. Er hat 1 kg zugenommen. Zudem beraten die Gemeindeschwestern Elena über gute Stillpraktiken und darüber, wie sie ihre Ernährung gesünder gestalten kann. Mariu-Constantin родился 5 недель назад. Он весил только 2,6 кг. Ionela и Cristina осматривают и взвешивают младенца и с радостью сообщают его матери, Elena Prodan, что Mariu-Constantin хорошо развивается и уже набрал килограмм веса. Медсестры также рассказывают Elena о том, как правильно кормить грудью и как улучшить собственный рацион питания.
A community nurse examines a pregnant woman. Emanuela Ștefan, 23 years old, is already a mother of twins and is now expecting another baby. She tells Ionela how glad she is to have a home visit from the community nurse, as Ionela measures her blood pressure, palpates the abdomen and measures the abdominal circumference. “Tell me how your twin boys are eating and growing. And have they received all the necessary vaccinations?” Ionela asks the soon-to-be mother of 3. Emanuela Ștefan, 23 ans, est déjà mère de jumeaux et attend un autre enfant. Elle dit à Ionela à quel point elle est heureuse d’avoir une visite à domicile de l’infirmière de proximité, tandis que celle-ci mesure sa tension artérielle et sa circonférence abdominale, et palpe son abdomen. « Dites-moi comment vos jumeaux mangent et grandissent. Et ont-ils reçu tous les vaccins nécessaires ? » demande Ionela à cette future mère de 3 enfants. Emanuela Ștefan (23 Jahre) ist bereits Mutter von Zwillingen und erwartet nun ein weiteres Baby. Sie erzählt Ionela, wie sehr sie sich über den Hausbesuch der Gemeindeschwester freut, während diese ihren Blutdruck misst, den Unterleib abtastet und den Bauchumfang misst. „Erzähl mir von deinen Zwillingen: essen sie gut, wachsen sie schön? Haben sie alle notwendigen Impfungen bekommen?“, fragt Ionela die zukünftige Mutter dreier Kinder. Emanuela Ștefan, матери двойняшек, 23 года, и сейчас она снова ждет ребенка. Она говорит о том, как благодарна медсестрам за визит, и Ionela измеряет ей артериальное давление, проводит пальпацию живота и измеряет его окружность. "Как растут и питаются ваши мальчики? Сделали ли им все необходимые прививки?", – спрашивает Ionela у матери.
Health workers in physical therapy session with child. Fun scenario with toys and colours. WHO is collaborating with the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) and the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) to strengthen rehabilitation in Tajikistan. In the summer months of 2018, the WHO Country Office in Tajikistan welcomed representatives of the WCPT and WFOT to Dushanbe to facilitate collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Protection on improving capacity-building and education for rehabilitation professionals.
Man receiving a vaccination at a medical centre in Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan. In November 2017, the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan together with WHO Country Office organized a national month-long campaign to promote seasonal influenza vaccination among the people most vulnerable to the disease.